William Morris was remembered being “up to the elbow” in indigo, as he was trialling the reintroduction of the traditional indigo-discharge printing method at Merton Abbey. Inky Fingers harks back to this moment, where the founder of Morris & Co. was covered in the deeply rich blue colour.
Sizes : 2.5 Ltr / 5Ltr
Finish: Chalky Matt / Water-Based Acrylic Eggshell
Envelop interior walls and ceilings in our timeless Morris & Co. Paint palette. Gorgeously flat and with a minimal sheen, Chalky Matt is ideal for interior walls and ceilings.
A versatile paint choice with colours from the Morris & Co. design archive, use our Acrylic Eggshell for kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, conservatories and exterior woodwork such as doors and window frames.