The Bad Boy Destroyer does exactly what it says on the tin! Ignite the fuse and stand back as it fires 62 massive shots into the night sky with big enough bursts, reports and effects to destroy anything in their path! Part of the new 1.3G range, your guaranteed bigger, louder and brighter than ever before!
Shot Tube Size – 25/30mm
Bring your Halloween in with a bang , with our selection of fireworks / pyrotechnics available from our store in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We have rockets , family packs , timed shots and sparklers in stock and we will assist you in applying for the licence taking all the hassle away. Have a safe and fun Halloween with your Family.
If you want to buy, possess and use fireworks / pyrotechnics (except indoor and sparklers), in Northern Ireland you must have a valid licence – Apply for a licence here
When applying for your licence, you will need the following:
Name of Fireworks Retailer On The Square Auctions
Reference no MR 1378/1475
The closing date for all applications for Halloween firework displays is Friday 20th October 2023 (20/10/2023).