The Bad Boy Nuclear Sunrise is the ultimate barrage! Made up of 224 shots, 8 different barrages and 1 fuse to light them all, this awesome firework create a storm in the night sky! With many different staggering effects this really is a fireworks display in a box! Part of the 1.3G range, each shot is massive and will leave any audience in awe!
Shot Tube Size – 20/25/30mm
Bring your Halloween in with a bang , with our selection of fireworks / pyrotechnics available from our store in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We have rockets , family packs , timed shots and sparklers in stock and we will assist you in applying for the licence taking all the hassle away. Have a safe and fun Halloween with your Family.
If you want to buy, possess and use fireworks / pyrotechnics (except indoor and sparklers), in Northern Ireland you must have a valid licence – Apply for a licence here
When applying for your licence, you will need the following:
Name of Fireworks Retailer On The Square Auctions
Reference no MR 1378/1475
The closing date for all applications for Halloween firework displays is Friday 20th October 2023 (20/10/2023).